“If there was no otherness, what would this country be like?” It’s hard to imagine because there is that otherness. But an object can make people see things differently. That’s alchemy. That’s the turning of hope into potentiality. The transformation of one thing into another through the power of vision and perspective.” -Alfred Amadu Conteh
Hook.Art.com online exhibition, Know Your Place: An Examination of America's Caste System Exhibition curated by the Artist Alfred Amadu Conteh through September 7, 2021 11:59 EST.
#1960Now is featured along with artist @wesleyclarkart @shanequagay_ @whoisdaapo @felandus @michimeko @acconteh.

©2021 Sheila Pree Bright, Juneteenth Celebration, Atlanta Georgia, 2020 21x15 Archival Inkjet print