Lens-Based Artist
Carved In Stone
Art, Activism & The Legacy of Tamir Rice
Visual Literacy: Seeing, Making, and Reading Images across the Disciplines Peter Wall Institute Inte
The Black Aesthetic in the Visual Arts
The New American Homeless
Contact High: A Visual History of Hip-Hop Documenting the Rise of a Cultural Phenonmenon
Honoring Black Mothers Who Lost Their Sons to Police Bruality.
Sheila Pree Bright's Human Rights History Lesson
#1960Nowthebook Review 'Decades of The Fight For Equality Ignite A New Generation of Civil Right
#1960Nowthebook review by Feature Shoot.
#1960Nowthebook Signing at The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia.
#1960Nowthebook at Dekalb Academy of Tech & Env Elementary & Middle Charter Schools Inc
In Conversation with Professor Bridget Cooks Cumbo at The University of California, Irvine
'Radical Len' Artist Talk at Clark Atlanta University Art Museum
SOUTHBOUND: Photographs of and about the South
#1960NowtheBook signing at Arnika Dawkins Fine Art Photography Gallery
Sheila Pree Bright Connects Movements of the Past and Present in #1960Now